In 1999, while studying landscape design in England, I had an unexpected encounter with an ancient oak tree. Its tormented trunk opened my eyes to the fabulous world of bark. A real passion was born! I made the slightly crazy decision to become a botanist/ photographer specializing in tree bark.
With support from the Fondation de France, I was able to travel in more than 35 countries to find the most beautiful barks on the planet, study them and make them better known. Now I share my passion with a very wide audience through my livres, my exhibitions, my workshops and my conferences.
My photographic work remains simple, very graphic and colorful. Some of these bark pictures seem unreal and yet all of them were taken in daylight, respecting as much as possible the natural colors. Out of respect for Nature, I try to remain as faithful as possible to this unequaled artist.
"Fascinated by the ingenuity of plants, I have also gathered thousands of samples on the themes of wood, bark, fruits, and seeds, thus forming exceptional collections to raise public awareness of the magic of plants. The most remarkable of these is called the 'phloiothèque' (from the Greek 'phloios' = bark). Unique in the world, it is made up of raw bark samples from nearly 1,000 different species." «phloios» = écorces). Unique au monde, elle est constituée d’échantillons bruts d’écorces de près de 1 000 espèces différentes.
JT de 13H de TF1 Collections Ecorces (2017)